May 24

by Vossey

Getting feedback from your customers is a great way to make them feel respected and for you to gain valuable insight.

There are nine things to remember when you are collecting customer feedback: respondents are customers, respect their time, keep things short, track their journey, own the feedback by taking responsibility for your actions, give a little back, do not generate unnecessary work, don’t waste questions on unneeded data, and don’t employ any gimmicks or tricks.

Key Takeaways:

  • By keeping surveys and other data collection methods short, it shows customers that you are respecting their time.
  • Ideally, feedback should be taken not only after the sale but at different points along the customer’s experience.
  • Since feedback is only useful to the extent that it is used, it is important to respond to all feedback with improvements, thanks and fixes.

“Feedback should be seen as part of the customer journey and can actually affect the customer experience it is trying to measure.”

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