September 2

by Vossey

Companies interested in improving their local SEO should start by developing a strategy for managing and responding customer feedback that is posted on the internet. A good review strategy takes place on review sites (e.g., Yelp) and significantly impacts local SEO and facilitates conversion of “online searchers” into loyal customers. Google is posited as the most important review source, followed by Apple and third-party sites (e.g., Yelp, TripAdvisor). Review management platforms can offer valuable solutions.

Key Takeaways:

  • Stars are important to the sales of a product or service.
  • Less than four star rating can lead to the lowering of sales.
  •  The star rating system helps people to find a good product or service that delivers good quality.

“Only half of consumers would consider using a business that has fewer than 4 stars, which means that if your business falls under this threshold you’re risking losing a lot potential sales.”

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