February 2

by Vossey

This is an excellent article about developing your online reputation. As a home services business – plumbers, electricians, carpet cleaning, air con and the like, knowing how your customers are feeling about your service is so useful – both for knowing you are doing business right and what your customers might say about you to others. Getting your reviews online is also important.

Why is it important? Well depending on which survey you see, somewhere between 75% and 90% of consumers read online reviews when considering a purchase. A slightly smaller number of us trust online reviews as much as we trust recommendations made by people that we know.

Read more at  http://bit.ly/1SRD81A

Some other highlights are:

  • Reviews and Google Ranking: In 2015, reviews still have an impact on ranking in Google Maps and the local pack results, but the crowd-sourced opinion of local search practitioners pegs it at less than 9%.
  • Net Promoter Score: A company’s Net Promoter Score® is an easy way to determine how your reputation is developing over time.
  • Best Practices: Several best practices for improving service and getting good reviews are also discussed in some detail.

It’s well worth a read.

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Are You Doing Enough To Manage Your Business's Online Reputation?
