June 21

by Vossey

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) describes tying certain search terms to a website to facilitate the process of searchers finding the website through a search engine (such as Google). SEO can be maximized at a low cost by using keywords gleaned from customer reviews, especially locally specific keywords. Additionally, responding to each and every customer review, positive or negative, will also improve the website’s performance in Google rankings. There are also management software options available to help manage customer reviews and harvest keywords from their feedback.

Key Takeaways:

  • One way reviews can help increase your SEO is by using local keywords. The more specific your keywords are, the better chance you have of targeting your ideal audience.
  • Engagement is a crucial component to increase your rankings. Whenever you interact with a social media post or a review on Google, it’s registering the interaction and allowing for more opportunities
  • Investing in ReviewInc’s reputation management software is a way for businesses to have help overseeing their online reputation and all reviews. They have a personal connection to your clients to nurt

“The better your content is optimized, the greater the chance of customers finding your website.”

Read more: https://reviewinc.com/2021/05/03/why-reviews-are-important-for-search-engine-optimization/

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