March 2

by Vossey

The importance of customer experience is more than just customer service. It involves every time and everything to do with interacting with your business. You must know your business plan, enact it, and then get customer feedback on their experiences and how willing they are to share their experience with your company to their friends, family and coworkers. Finally, you adjust your company to improve customer feedback, so they like your company and its products, services and customer service. All of this is vital to the success of your company.

Key Takeaways:

  • Customer experience is more than just service. It is the totality of the interaction
  • The customer experience ,just be assessed at every point is the process top be comprehensive
  • a very valuable tool in this analysis is the customer experience map which outlines the way customers interact with the brand at all steps in the process

“Maybe the business has terrific customer service, and they’re always friendly and excited to help with anything you need.”

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