June 12

by Vossey

The article covers ways in which users can enhance net promoter score surveys. The author discusses the importance of using these tools in gathering customer feedback for businesses and enterprises. The eleven suggestions made include creating more polite subject lines, using more personalisation as well as humanising the process in all areas possible, among other tactics. Following the recommended tips enable users to acquire greater participating and higher quality feedback in their survey efforts with customers.

Key Takeaways:

  • Ask don’t command. Ask in the subject for involvement. No one likes being told what to do.
  • Use photos of real employees. This makes things more personal.
  • Avoid extra fluff such as logos and icons. People don’t have time to wade through extra content.

“The most egregious issue with this email is that is it not mobile-friendly.”

Read more: http://www.convinceandconvert.com/customer-experience/11-ways-to-improve-net-promoter-score-surveys/

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